• Yes, get ‘r done!

    Oregon’s Owyhee River: A meandering stream far from a maddening campaign E. Fudd

  • F Nestle!

    no better than Monsanto or an oil company in the end – you got yours (now we have to stop them in a likely subsequent lawsuit)! Victory! Oregon Voters Say ‘No’ to Nestle E. Fudd

  • How a Snotbot Drone Could Save Endangered Whales

    I’m open to…if not enthusiastic about….the idea… How a Snotbot Drone Could Save Endangered Whales E. Fudd

  • Tell the truth, get fired.

    big surprise – but then again, Monsanto doesn’t believe in free speech. Apparently John Deere no longer does, either. Veteran Political Cartoonist Fired for Criticizing Monsanto E. Fudd

  • The greening of Adidas…

    love it! From Bloomberg: The Greening of Adidas Replacing fluorescent lights or sodium outdoor lamps with LEDs makes sense from both a conservation and an economic standpoint. While LEDs cost more upfront, their longer life span and energy efficiency mean the initial investment can be recovered in just a few years. After that, LEDs generate […]

  • hopefully not too little too late…

    These Republican Lawmakers Are Turning To Climate Action To Help Keep Their Seats E. Fudd