• Food Bank!

    So I’ve been volunteering at the U District Food Bank over on Roosevelt (right across the street from decades-long fave store Scarecrow Video) – was there today watering, thought I’d throw up some pics – looks like a bountiful harvest coming later this summer! You can click on a pic for an even bigger image… […]

  • Monsanto = evil cynicism (big surprise)

    sounds about right…. E. Fudd

  • Singapore greens it up!

    great article – hopefully the 24-7 ‘benevolent police state’ that is ALSO Singapore will start to reel back a bit in the meantime? Still, lessons to be learned…. link here. E. Fudd

  • The Dirty Dozen – fruit, vegetables and pesticides

    yet another argument for BUYING ORGANIC! 🙂 link here. E. Fudd

  • Ain’t it the truth….sigh.

    E. Fudd

  • One person *can* make a difference…

    And sometimes, a huge difference. Not everyone is ready to literally risk their life for the environment, but Azzam Alwash should serve as an inspiration to us all. Support Nature Iraq and his efforts! link here. E. Fudd

  • Bumble Bee Garden Kits – get yours by April 22!

    From the Xerces Society: Spring ahead with Bumble Bee Garden Kits Spring is just around the corner, and now is a great time to start planning your pollinator garden for the year ahead. For the first time ever, the Xerces Society is pleased to offer a Bumble Bee Garden Kit consisting of some of the […]